ECWGFG's Website will no longer be updated. Any new updates will be found here:

The East Central Wisconsin Gluten Free Group is a support group for those that live a gluten-free lifestyle.
Whether you have:
It doesn't matter, we'll help you navigate this gluten polluted world.
One way to make it easier is to meet with others that walk in your shoes. They know where you've come from, they know what you're going through. They understand. Understanding is not something you always find in the gluten free lifestyle. You find out that you're not alone.
Connecting with others that share your same sitution can give you a huge boost emotitionally and physically. Many others experience the same trials and tribulations you do.We're all on this journey together, so we might as well help each other out along the way. Who knows - we might even have a few laughs while doing it!
Postive Mental Attitude
PMA - If
you keep that, and a sense of humor - you will thrive and
Be warned, it won't be a bed of roses at first. You will
go through some highs & lows. PMA will help get you
through those lows.
You go thru a grieving process. You are losing the foods
& lifestyle that you once loved - that's not
something that easily dismissed. You are also losing your
unhealthy self - which is a good thing!! So, allow
yourself to experience the entire range of emotions as
you start out on this GF Journey.
Making the commitment to remain GF really needs to be firmly planted within you. If you don't have that commitment, that solid foundation to build your healthly life on, you will fail, you will "fall off the gluten wagon".
Your commitment must be rock solid and unwavering.
Support from your family, your loved ones, your friends, a local support group, an online support group.
With all those people pulling for you, it's a heck of a lot easier to win the tug-o-war with gluten! Remember commitment? If your commitment ceases, your support system may stop supporting - or will certainly be decreased.
If you don't make it a priority in your life, how can they make helping you a priority in theirs?